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Pre-Thanksgiving Days are no excuse for weight gain


In a couple of days it will officially be the holiday season. Perhaps you are already in the pre-holiday spirit and making some eating and exercise choices you would not normally make. This is how you fall into the holiday weight gain trap. It starts small- you know not sticking as strictly to the weight loss plan with a few extra cookies  or soda instead of water. Maybe you are beginning to miss a couple of workouts, cutting the time shorter on the fat burning dvd or not giving your usual 110% with the personal trainer but more like 85%. Nothing major it seems but it may be the start of weight gain and disappointment over the holidays.

Although its “ALMOST” the holiday season it is not the actual holiday so there is no reason to begin sabotaging all your hard work from months past. It will be challenging enough to fight the battle during the week of Thanksgiving. Today, tomorrow or the next couple of days have nothing to do with altering your quick weight loss plan. However, if not careful and disciplined you may began a huge spiral downward which could take months or years to come back from. Look at the upcoming days as just “regular” days and just stick to your “regular” eating and exercise routine. Think one day at a time and not “Thanksgiving Day”. Remember its called Thanksgiving Day not Thanksgiving Weeks. For more weight loss plans and tips visit

Daryl Madison

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DISCLAIMER: As with any exercise program including Chair-A-Cise it is highly recommended  you check with your doctor for recommendations before beginning.  Weight loss plans should only be implemented under the close supervision of a board certified medical professional.All material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Weight Loss results will vary depending on the user’s gender, weight, intensity and adherence to eating plan and exercise instructions.  

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