As the creator of Chair-A-Cise I am often asked is Chair-A-Cise for seniors. First and foremost Chair-A-Cise is a 70 day (10 week) chair exercise DVD program designed for rapid and safe weight loss. When I was putting together the exercises I was thinking about weight loss for everybody not a program for seniors. However, because of the name and once people see the simplicity of the exercises they naturally assume its for seniors or older people. When I attend health fairs or functions promoting the Chair-A-Cise DVD program I always hear “this would be great for my mom” particularly from the 30 years and under crew. What’s funny is I ask them to have a seat and give it a try and usually they can’t do but about 4-5 minutes before huffing, puffing and stopping. Of course they purchase 2 DVDs, one for them and one for their parents.
The DVDs are designed to gradually transform your body and health through the use of 10 exercise programs by increasing intensity and strength as you progress (through the DVDs). The first four Chair-A-Cise, Chair-A-Cise 2, Chair-A-Cise Turbo and Chair-A-Cise Abs are low to medium impact and seniors and beginners gravitate toward them. Also, there are modified versions of many of the exercise. However, as you get to the next three programs, Chair-A-Cise Cardio Conditioning, Chair-A-Cise Circuit Training and Chair-A-Cise Strength Training the intensity and difficulty of the exercises greatly increases. The next 3 programs (soon to be released) Chair-A-Cise Ab Blaster, Chair-A-Cise Cardio Power and Chair-A-Cise Cardio Extreme are even higher intensity programs.
So the uniqueness of Chair-A-Cise is it adapts to your fitness level, strength and balance. The website testimonial page is loaded with comments and before and after pictures from all age groups regarding the benefits and results from Chair-A-Cise. For more information visit .

Daryl Madison