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February–Weight Loss Resolution Evaluation Month


Well, its February and a great time to do a weight loss self evaluation. Remember when the year begun and you were excited about the many changes and high expectations you had for yourself, particularly regarding weight loss goals. Hopefully you still  have the excitement and it hasn’t faded or totally diminished.

Are you sticking to the quick weight loss plan religiously or have you started compromising? Not following it to the “T” like you were originally and have decided doing it “somewhat” is better than not doing it at all. Have you gone back to the “I will watch what I eat” phase instead of going with a proven eating plan. Have you joined the gym like you promised yourself or now “waiting until it warms up”? Did you order the Chair-A-Cise Quick Weight Loss DVD or have you convinced yourself you can do it on your own–again? Have you hired the personal trainer or still waiting  for the perfect “financial conditions”?

defeated exercise man

Its been a month since you decided enough was enough and you were going to make a change. How is it going? This is a great time to reflect. Would you honestly give yourself an A,B,C, D or F? If you are having trouble with this “self evaluation” here are some ways which will assist you. Has there been a significant loss of weight according to your scale? Are your clothes fitting noticeably more loose? Having you been hearing those famous words, “Are you losing weight”, from someone other than your mom, best friend or anyone who knows you are on a weight loss mission?

If you answered “no” to these questions its not to late. Certainly, there is no excuse for there not being a noticeable difference in 30 days but its still early in the game, still in the first quarter. There is time to make a few minor or major adjustments which may determine your success the remainder of the year. Do you need to refocus, rededicate or just start? If so now is the time while the desire is still burning and hasn’t fizzled completely out.

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DISCLAIMER: As with any exercise program including Chair-A-Cise it is highly recommended  you check with your doctor for recommendations before beginning.  Weight loss plans should only be implemented under the close supervision of a board certified medical professional.All material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Weight Loss results will vary depending on the user’s gender, weight, intensity and adherence to eating plan and exercise instructions.  

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