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“Offers you a great balance of cardio and strength conditioning exercises…”


Dajuandra (after) 3

“Chairacise is a great workout that offers you a great balance of cardio and strength conditioning exercises. Anyone can do it. its portable, its fun, and the best thing is with chairacise there are never ever any excuses and the best workout you have ever had is only a DVD away.” -D. Taylor

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DISCLAIMER: As with any exercise program including Chair-A-Cise it is highly recommended  you check with your doctor for recommendations before beginning.  Weight loss plans should only be implemented under the close supervision of a board certified medical professional.All material provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Weight Loss results will vary depending on the user’s gender, weight, intensity and adherence to eating plan and exercise instructions.  

Copyright © 2019 - Chair-a-Cise

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