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Exercise Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain


Okay, its quickly approaching the holiday time of the year. Although you have had a year to get a game plan together on how to continue your exercise program throughout the holidays you probably are like 99.9% of Americans and have not given it any thought. Actually, when you saw the title of this article was probably the first time it crossed your mind. The good news is there is still time to make some adjustments to your quick weight loss program.The bad news is the Thanksgiving dinner with moms apple pie and aunties famous fried chicken is right around the corner and without some careful planning your fat burning exercise programcould quickly end up on the “I will start at the beginning of the year” list.

Here are a couple of things to start considering now which will help you continue your exercise program without missing a beat.

1. Workout at home=  Chances are your exercise time will become very limited. Once the holiday shopping, parties and relatives come in town there won’t be much time to make that 10-15 minute travel time to the gym, workout and then take the 10-15 minute travel time back to your house. Exercising at home can replace the 20-30 minutes of travel time not to mention the money you can save on gas to buy those few extra gifts. Consider ordering an exercise DVD, have a friend come over and exercise with you or have a personal trainer come to your house.

2. Less maybe more= If your workout is usually between 45 minutes to a hour try doing 30 minutes. However, increase your intensity and reduce your break time. Because its only 30 minutes you will be more prone to “suck it up” and do it rather than skip a longer workout because you have a long list of things to do.

3.Exercise in the morning= If you are an evening workout person switch your routine to the morning. Getting to the gym with the holiday traffic may take longer  so you will just skip it, particularly if you have just driven in extra traffic coming from work. Also, your shopping time may not allow you to fit “gym time” in. Exercise in the morning relieves the stress of having to make room to get it done in the evening.

Remember a little planning now can avoid 5 – 15 pounds of weight gain over the next 2 months. Good luck.

Daryl Madison (

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